Website Development

It’s a smart business decision to hire Faith in Marketing to develop your modern website. We’re fast, easy to work with, and you get a complete package. With Faith in Marketing, you get ALL of the following and a much better overall value.

We’re Selective — We’re a Catholic, faith-based organization, and we choose to work with schools, churches and organizations that are also driven by faith-filled leaders. We’ve happily turned down plenty of opportunities that do not fit tightly with our values.

Personalized Consultation — Whether we meet on the phone or in person, we take the time to clearly understand your needs, your wants and your ideas. First, we listen. We will ask what has worked for you in the past, and what hasn’t turned out so well. We will discuss your goals, what makes your location/organization unique, and talk about your obstacles/competitors. The entire conversation is confidential.

Custom Design — With each new website, we start with a blank canvas. Then, using state-of-the-art design software, our Art Director & Designers go to work, incorporating the perfect elements derived from our Consultation.

Review & Approval — We present our design to you. We listen closely to your feedback, and any changes you might suggest. After adjustments, we accept your approval before Programming begins.

Programming — To make your website function on a variety of devices and operating systems, we transform the approved Design into a mobile-friendly website that works well on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops

Made in the USA — All of our in-house design & programming is performed in the United States of America, by our own people.

Social Media Built-In — When appropriate, we build your social media feeds directly into your website, allowing visitors to read your latest posts and see your latest photos, without having to leave your site.

Social Media Toolbar — With your excitement, we build a convenient social media toolbar into almost every page of your new website, allowing visitors to share your pages and news with their friends and colleagues.

Blog Posts and News Articles — Your new web site will include an entire section dedicated to your organization’s news, offers, trends, ideas, reviews and opinions. Articles and blogs help to keep your site fresh. Plus, the search engines (Google) LOVE to visit your site — to index your latest articles — and that leads to increased visitors through improved search results.

Auto-Publish to Facebook and Twitter — Each new article you post on your website will be automatically published on your Facebook Page and Twitter Page. The headline that’s showing on your Social Pages then links back the same article on your website. We always want eyeballs back on your website, and we make every effort to get them there.

Royalty Free Professional Images — We design websites using fantastic photos and artwork chosen from our licensed, professional library.

Photography — For custom photo needs, we shoot RAW images using professional Nikon equipment in ultra high-resolution.

Virtual Tours — We shoot full 360-degree images of your best areas, then load them into Google Maps, making them available to people searching for your organization, and groups like yours. We also embed your images into a new Virtual Tour web page that is on your new website!

Video — When included in your package, we shoot HD video with broadcast-quality sound. Then we edit your video with seamless transitions, a professionally-recorded in-house voiceover, and selected music beds that sound great! Plus, we post your video on YouTube for an even larger worldwide audience. Your videos can be included on your website, in social media, on e-newsletters, on lobby screens in your facility, and anywhere else you prefer.

eCommerce — Whether you want a professional storefront, the ability to sell goods or event tickets, or a simple solution to sell a few items with PayPal, we’ve got you covered.

SEO / Search Engine Optimization — Our website pages are automatically optimized for the most popular search engines. Your pages include the most appropriate content. Your page titles are built to be accurate. The web address of each page will include the most applicable keywords. And all of the pages will be linked so search engines can easily index them and make them available on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other engines.

Unlimited Pages — Your new website will have space for virtually unlimited pages and as many news articles as you wish.

Simple Self Editing — If you can send an e-mail, you can make a web page. Our web page editor allows you to type, insert pictures, indent, add bullet lists, numbered lists, change font size, color, etc. When you’re finished typing, click one button, and it’s live on the internet… or you can set news articles to be released at a future date and time that you specify!

Training — We will meet with you in person, on the web, or on a conference call for a personalized training session. We will show you and your key staff members how to log into your website from any computer in the world. Then we will show you how easy it is to add a page, edit a page, create a new article, update select images, and even change around your main navigation! Plus, we will help you set up different accounts for different staff members with different website credentials! This way, you and a trusted associate are in full control, while other staff are allowed to perform only certain lower-level functions.

Mobile Web — We will design your website to work across a wide variety of popular computers, tablets, and phones. While there are literally thousands of various screen sizes out there, our sites are built to automatically adjust themselves, showing the most important information to your visitors.

APP Home Page — Your new website comes with a free APP Home Page! People who visit your site while using their phones will see 9-12 buttons that take them directly to the most popular pages.

Hosting & Email — We host many of our clients’ websites on our partnered server with 99.9% uptime. We also provide email services for a complete package, sometimes referring email to Google for squeaky clean spam removal. Let us help you stop the spam dead.

E-Newsletters — We can build tools into your site that will let visitors quickly and easily sign up for your guestbook or email newsletter list. These tools are great for capturing prospects’ contact information, or to simply make it easy for your existing customer base to stay in touch. We recommend strategic partners to fulfill newsletter services. Now you can see EXACTLY who opened your emails, and what they clicked on!

Visitor Reports — Every website we build includes critical software that automatically collects visitor data from all around the globe. The data goes into weekly or monthly reports that we send to your email box as a PDF file. Each report tells you how many visits you received, where they came from, where those visitors live, what pages they looked at, which pages are the most popular, and if they were on a computer or mobile device. Using this data you can quickly adjust your site’s navigation to more closely match visitor patterns, or feature the pages that seem to be all the rage this week.

One Point of Contact — There’s no need to run all over town (or the web) seeking dozens of providers for your website needs. We take care of it all from A to Z, which means you only need one point of contact. You can reach us almost anytime by phone, email or text. We are super easy to reach, and super fast getting back to you.

More than the Web — Speaking of having just one contact, many companies rely on Faith in Marketing for all of their other marketing services. To keep your brand and image consistent, we design AND print matching business cards, post cards, brochures, booklets, banners, letterhead, envelopes, folders, and so much more. We also help you get up to speed on social media. And we’re always available to talk, to help you stay on track to exceed your goals.

Reviews & Testimonials — Last but not least, we will ask for your honest opinion about what it’s like to work with Faith in Marketing. If something wasn’t right, we will do our best to fix it immediately. And when it is right, we will happily publish your testimonial for others to see.

Call Faith in Marketing  at (858) 877-3733.