Reach 5000 Nearby Households Quickly • Faith in Marketing

Reach 5000 Nearby Households Quickly

We help nonprofits, churches and schools reach their neighbors, members and donors with important messages and invitations throughout the year.

They use postcards, letters, brochures, newsletters and magazines to invite community members to visit the church, to support a special cause, or to enroll in classes. 

Even better, we make it effortless. Clients often call with just an idea, or they email some basic text to us. We turn their idea into a gorgeous mailer, designed to capture attention and encourage action.

We email our design to the client and get their approval. Then we print, stuff and address the mailers, take it all to the post office and pay the necessary postage. Done!

We’ve worked with 100+ nonprofit organizations, churches and schools. We would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to assist you, too. See below for two special offers to reach up to 5000 households close to your office with giant 6″ x 11″ full-color postcards, for an easy, flat fee.

Reach us at or call (858) 877-3733.

First-time mailing clients receive a FREE 80” x 33”Full-Color Standing Banner to match their campaign!