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It was a great honor to work with Mr. Thom Hiatt in the production of the vocations video for Good Shepherd Sunday. I was amazed at Mr. Hiatt’s focus and promptness in creating a video in such a fairly short time. Being flexible with our schedules, he gathered the participants for an interview which he guided smoothly making us feel at home. He weaved all the pieces of the interview artistically that resulted in a beautiful, informative and lively vocations video. I pray that this video will touch many hearts and promote a desire to start exploring the possibility to follow Christ in the priesthood and religious life. I am immensely thankful to Mr. Hiatt whose vision, diligence and creativity not only allowed for a smooth process but ultimately led to an exceptional visual tool. Faith in Marketing is an excellent company to work with and a powerful tool to evangelize our society and to promote a Culture of Vocations.

Sr. Aurora Lopez Office for Vocations, Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego March 19, 2016